San Leandro Marina - Work in Progress (16 images)
Art in the park. Six sturdy poles rise a support a lattice-work of crossing beams. Time and nature take their toll and the beams decay, become dangerous. The beams have been removed, and now the six sturdy poles wait. What creative use lies in their future?
Park Art_MG_1194.JPG
A creation from wood at an urban park. Six...
Sunburst in Art_MG_11...JPG
A wooden sculpture combines with a blue sky and...
Sunburst in Art_MG_12...JPG
At its center, a wooden sculpture combines...
Confluence - B&W_MG_1...JPG
An intricate web of wood finds its center in an...
Massive wooden posts that held a work of wooden...
Post Close-up_MG_3536.JPG
Close-up of the massive wooden posts that held...
Post Close-up_MG_3535.JPG
Close-up examination of one of the massive...
A creation from wood at an urban park. Six...
At its center, a wooden sculpture combines...
A wooden sculpture combines with a blue sky and...
An intricate web of wood finds its center in an...