Nature's Course - Death and Dying in the Animal Kingdom (40 images)
Death is a part of life in nature - predators and scavengers alike depend on that. This gallery explores this side of nature.
Although this gallery will not be limited to endangered or threatened species, they will be included and noted by keyword. The death of an endangered animal, even when accidental and perhaps unavoidable, can serve to remind us of our overall responsibility to those creatures with whom we share this planet.
Although this gallery will not be limited to endangered or threatened species, they will be included and noted by keyword. The death of an endangered animal, even when accidental and perhaps unavoidable, can serve to remind us of our overall responsibility to those creatures with whom we share this planet.
Hunting Great Blue He...jpg
A Great Blue Heron, hunting in a field at the...
A Turkey vulture stands over carrion on a path,...
Gull with Rodent IMG_...JPG
A gull flies by with a rodent in its bill at a...
Dead Blue Whale - Ful...jpg
Evidence of the necropsy - the lower one-third,...
Mass of Whale Flesh I...jpg
Rounding the rocks of the cove, the first view...
Gulls Feeding IMG_107...jpg
Adult and juvenile Western gulls feeding on the...
Blue Whale, Waves and...jpg
A wave startles some of the feeding gulls into...
An immature Western gull, one of the many gulls...
Dead Blue Whale Sign ...jpg
A sign in the parking lot at Bean Hollow State...
Dead Whale's Fin IMG_...jpg
Seabirds feed on the carcass of a dead Blue...
Dead Blue Whale on it...jpg
Viewed from the head-end of the whale, its...
Dead Blue Whale- Full...jpg
"Blue whales are the largest animals ever known...
Dead Blue Whale - Ful...jpg
This view of the dead whale at Bean Hollow...
Warning - Do Not Appr...jpg
On the bluff overlooking Bean Hollow State...
Floating Blue Whale C...jpg
One week after photographing the dead blue...
Floating Blue Whale C...jpg
One week after photographing the dead blue...
Floating Blue Whale C...jpg
One week after photographing the dead blue...
Floating Blue Whale C...jpg
One week after photographing the dead blue...
4 Months Later -1 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
4 Months Later -2 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
4 Months Later -3 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
4 Months Later -4 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
4 Months Later -5 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
4 Months Later -6 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
4 Months Later -7 IMG...jpg
Nearly four months after it was first spotted,...
A Solitary Death IMG_...jpg
This Steller sea lion (lower right), a listed...
Dead Steller Sea Lion...jpg
A sub-adult, male Steller sea lion lies dead on...
Dead Steller Sea Lion...jpg
A sub-adult, male Steller sea lion lies dead in...
Dead Steller Sea Lion...jpg
A sub-adult, male Steller sea lion lies dead in...
Examined Steller Sea ...jpg
Four days after its discovery on Pomponio State...
Examined Steller Sea ...jpg
Four days after its discovery on Pomponio State...
Day 20 - Dead Steller...jpg
By day 20 a barricade and hazard cone have been...
Day 20 - Dead Steller...jpg
By day 20 a barricade and hazard cone have been...
Day 57 - Dead Steller...jpg
By day 57 the carcass of the steller sea lion...
GBH with Prey IMG_566...jpg
Primarily a fish eater, the Great Blue Heron...
Great Blue Heron IMG_...tif
A Great Blue Heron caught, lost , then caught...
Great Blue Heron IMG_...tif
A Great Blue Heron caught, lost , then caught...
Great Blue Heron IMG_...tif
A Great Blue Heron caught, lost , then caught...
Three Months Later IM...JPG
A blue whale carcass, three months after it was...
Three Months Later - ...JPG
Gulls continue the process, nature's...