Hayward Marsh Avocets (10 images)
On an early June morning, just off the trail leading north from the Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center, several adult American Avocets stood by as two chicks became accustomed to the water at Hayward Marsh.
If you happened to turn away at the right moment, then look back, you might wonder why that adult is crouching down. And where did the baby go? Binoculars or a telephoto lens are needed by most to see that extra pair of legs sticking down from under a wing - the chick...
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If you happened to turn away at the right moment, then look back, you might wonder why that adult is crouching down. And where did the baby go? Binoculars or a telephoto lens are needed by most to see that extra pair of legs sticking down from under a wing - the chick...
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Avocet with Chick IMG...jpg
An adult avocet looks on as its young gets...
Avocet Warming Chick ...jpg
An extra pair of legs is the only evidence that...
Avocet Warming Chick ...jpg
An extra pair of legs is the only evidence that...
Four Legs IMG_4249-1.jpg
A cropped, close-up of the extra legs giving...
Avocet Warming Chick ...jpg
An extra pair of legs is the only evidence that...
Avocet and Wet Chick ...jpg
An adult Avocet with the chick it's been...
Avocet Chick All Wet ...jpg
A cropped version zooming in on the wet Avocet...
Avocet IMG_4258.jpg
Adult Avocet at the Hayward Marsh near the east...
Time to Get Out IMG_4...jpg
An adult Avocet with the chick it's been...
Avocet and Chick IMG_...jpg
An Avocet chick heads for the warmth it will...