Fort Logan (8 images)
There are 130 national cemeteries maintained by the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs - Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver, Colorado, is one.
Fort Logan IMG_1754-5.jpg
Blue Colorado sky over white snow surrounding...
Shadow of a visitor I...jpg
Grave markers and headstones surrounded by snow...
Fort Logan IMG_0766-7.jpg
In the heart of the metro Denver area, graves...
Fort Logan IMG_0756-2.jpg
Headstones surrounded by snow at Fort Logan...
Fort Logan IMG_1752-3.jpg
Blue Colorado sky over white snow surrounding...
Fort Logan IMG_1755-6.jpg
Blue Colorado sky over white snow surrounding...
Cemetery Visit_MG_899...JPG
A visitor among the marble headstones at Fort...
Rows of marble headstones at Fort Logan...