Abstract (146 images)
Wiggling, wriggling, squiggling lines on a blue...
Quivering Reflection-...JPG
It floated on the water, defying reality - a...
Bird Fight-IMG_3295-E...JPG
A juvenile Black-crowned night heron and a...
Lone Feather-IMG_1059.JPG
A lone feather floats on the surface, suspended...
Sky and Hills-2257.JPG
The surface of Lake Chabot reflects the blue...
Sky and Hills-2250.JPG
The surface of Lake Chabot reflects the blue...
Walk in the Woods-IMG...JPG
Trees in abstract as slow shutter combines with...
Pampas Abstract-IMG_1...JPG
Captured in abstract, golden tan pampas grass...
Waterfall Abstract-IM...JPG
At one end of the koi pond there's a waterfall,...
Waterfall Abstract-IM...JPG
At one end of the koi pond there's a waterfall...
Bush Bursts-IMG_0561.JPG
A bush of purple, white and green bursts to...
Concrete Abstract-589...JPG
Abstract images found in the swirls in the...
Concrete Abstract-589...JPG
Abstract images found in the swirls in the...
Concrete Abstract-589...JPG
Abstract images found in the swirls in the...
Concrete Abstract-589...JPG
Abstract images found in the swirls in the...
Concrete Abstract-589...JPG
Abstract images found in the swirls in the...
Sunburst Black and Bl...JPG
A sunburst sends out rays of light while lens...
Mesmerizing Ripples-I...JPG
Mesmerizing ripples of green and blue in an...
Koi Abstract-IMG_8405.JPG
The rippling swirling surface of a koi pond...
Abstract images, shadows on a walkway at...
Abstract images, shadows on a walkway at...
Rippling Reflection-I...JPG
A rippling water reflection of a Snowy egret...
Rippling Reflection-I...JPG
A rippling water reflection of a Snowy egret...
Rippling Reflection-I...JPG
A rippling water reflection of a Snowy egret...
Gray and Green-IMG_69...JPG
Out of gray rock and greenery, a totem...
Art underfoot - inlaid tiles in a shopping...
Granular Chunks-IMG_5...jpg
Not ice or diamonds, but tempered glass, in a...
Casting Shadows-IMG_5...jpg
A patch of ground shaded by an outdoor food...
Lines Shadows Tones-I...jpg
Lines and shapes. Shadows and textures. Tones...
Lines Shadows Tones-I...jpg
Lines and shapes. Shadows and textures. Tones...
The breeze made the grass dance.
Flowering plants along the edge of a...
Flowering plants along the edge of a...
Monkey Puzzle-IMG_662...JPG
Lines from the rings that circle the outside of...
Monkey Puzzle-IMG_662...JPG
Lines from the rings that circle the outside of...
Blowing Flowing-IMG_6...JPG
Wind blown grass in motion, stopped but just...
Abstract from an observation deck at a marina.
Wooden Deck_MG_6887.JPG
An observation deck presents lines and angles,...
Lines - Black and Whi...JPG
Abstract from an observation deck at a marina.
Summer Sun-IMG_6317.JPG
The sun gently insists it is summer as it...
Summer Grass-IMG_6307.JPG
On a summer afternoon cattails and cattail...
Summer Grass-IMG_6310.JPG
On a summer afternoon cattails and cattail...
Fountain Abstract-IMG...jpg
A little camera technique turns a park water...
Summer Spray-IMG_6063.jpg
Multiple arcs of water spray from an urban...
With soft focus, the sparkling reflections on...
Moon on the Move-5261.jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Moon on the Move-5253.jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Moon on the Move-5252.jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Moon on the Move-5251.jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Moon on the Move-5250.jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Moon on the Move-5249.jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Moon Before the Move-...jpg
Static, still and stoic, the Full Worm Moon...
Moon on the Move-IMG_...jpg
The full worm moon imagined with motion using...
Floating Sun-IMG_4998.jpg
The sun, reflected and distorted by motion,...
Dancing Sunlight-IMG_...jpg
LIke jewels gleaming on ruffles of silk, glints...
Gyrating in Winter-IM...jpg
Abstract art created on the surface of a...
As a Dream-IMG_4831.jpg
A water fountain captured in abstract, as in a...
From left to right a series of white and gray...
Order and Chaos-IMG_4...jpg
Seeds attached to their dispersal parachutes...
Purple in Brown-IMG_4...jpg
The distinctive purple patch surrounded by...
Clouds on Blue-IMG_26...jpg
White and gray clouds create abstract forms...
Swirls of Green-IMG_4...jpg
Swirls of green algae and rocks create an...
Water Bottle Abstract...jpg
An abandoned water bottle provides a prism, of...
Sunset Dream -IMG_421...jpg
A winter sunset along San Francisco Bay turns...
Water Bottle Abstract...jpg
An abandoned water bottle provides a prism, of...
Everyday Abstract-IMG...jpg
Mountains? Skyscrapers? Shadows on a dirt path...
Gold and Gray-IMG_409...jpg
Golden abstract with gray wings.
Blue and White Abstra...jpg
Reflections on pond's rippling surface creates...
Plants along the edge of a neighborhood park's...
Liquid Gems-IMG_3823.jpg
Sparkling reflections, like diamonds floating...
Rippling Abstract-IMG...jpg
Rippling water distorts the cattail grass...
Hazey Sun-IMG_3390.jpg
Long strands of cattail grass trace dark lines...
Curling Swirling-IMG_...jpg
Curling, swirling - a close-up detail of a tree...
Moon Trail-8878.jpg
The light of the Full Harvest Moon reflects in...
Glowing Web-IMG_3198.jpg
Glowing with the warmth of the late afternoon...
Natural Design-IMG_31...jpg
A close examination of a leaf, converted to...
Drops of water cast shadows on a duck's back at...
Natural Design-IMG_30...jpg
Overlapping and respeating patterns in the...
Wind Blown-2505.jpg
The tall grass waves in the wind, with seed...
Wind Blown-2508.jpg
The tall grass waves in the wind, with seed...
Wind Blown-2510.jpg
The tall grass waves in the wind, with seed...
Purple Motion_MG_9297.jpg
A slow shutter and a little camera motion...
Purple Motion_MG_9295.jpg
A slow shutter and a little camera motion...
Shape on a Path-IMG_1...jpg
Branches with seed pods and an overhead lamp in...
Feather Symetry-IMG_1...jpg
The symetry of feathers on a Canada goose as...
Swirls and Curls-IMG_...jpg
A combination of currents, paddling birds and...
Coot-Algae Art-IMG_95...jpg
An American Coot paddling along the green...
Red Leaf-IMG_7747.jpg
A red leaf surrounded by fallen leaves set in...
Grass Moves-IMG_3576.jpg
Mountain grass in motion through slow shutter...
Captured Sky-IMG_2967.jpg
Windows of an urban office building capture the...
Fluid Flowers-IMG_235...jpg
Brilliant red and yellow flowers become fluid...
Sharp and Soft-IMG_12...jpg
A soft-focus gull dominates the image,...
Whirls and Swirls-IMG...jpg
Whirls and swirls of white - Calla Lilies in...
Still Flowers Motion-...jpg
A bevy of Calla Lilies captured near sunset and...
Sometimes in Winter-I...jpg
A black and white abstract captured along the...
1-5th Second_MG_8854.jpg
When the shutter is open a bit longer, the...
A dream-like flower abstract with red stigma...
Down and Up_MG_8272.jpg
Lines of a stairwell with steps leading down...
Abstract of a hallway, black and white with...
Autumn Abstract_MG_80...jpg
Yellow leaves and blue sky in an autumn abstract.